Why Homeowners Are Choosing DIVVEE for Their Next Energy Upgrade

In an era where sustainable living and energy efficiency are at the forefront of homeowners’ minds, we at Loadshare Technologies are thrilled to introduce our revolutionary residential energy management system: The DIVVEE. As more households seek to embrace electric vehicles (EVs) and other energy-intensive appliances, the demand for efficient, cost-effective solutions has never been higher. Enter DIVVEE—the game-changer in home energy management.

Understanding the Need

Homeowners across the globe are increasingly opting for electric vehicles as a cleaner, greener alternative to traditional gasoline-powered cars. With this shift comes the need for reliable, high-speed charging solutions that integrate seamlessly into existing home electrical systems. However, the prospect of upgrading one’s electrical panel to accommodate level 2 EV chargers has often been met with apprehension due to its exorbitant cost and complexity.

How DIVVEE Works

The brilliance of DIVVEE lies in its simplicity and efficiency. The DIVVEE works by utilizing your home’s existing power system and sharing the load with the power normally reserved for your stove. When the stove isn’t in use, the DIVVEE intelligently redirects the power to your secondary device—whether it’s an EV charger, hot tub, heated flooring, or any other energy-intensive appliance. Once the stove is activated, normal power flow is restored, prioritizing the stove until it’s no longer in use. After which, the DIVVEE seamlessly redistributes the power back to the secondary load.

Cost-Effectiveness Redefined

One of the most compelling reasons homeowners are turning to DIVVEE is its unparalleled cost-effectiveness. Traditional panel upgrades can incur expenses that are up to 8 times higher than installing a DIVVEE system. This significant cost disparity makes DIVVEE not only a practical choice but also a financially savvy investment for homeowners looking to enhance their energy infrastructure without breaking the bank.

Seamless Integration and Convenience

Beyond its cost-saving advantages, DIVVEE offers unparalleled convenience and ease of integration. After installation by a certified electrician, the DIVVEE operates autonomously, requiring no ongoing interaction from homeowners. Its intelligent algorithms continuously optimize energy distribution within the home, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency without any hassle.

Future-Proofing Your Home

By choosing DIVVEE, homeowners are not only investing in immediate cost savings but also future-proofing their homes against evolving energy demands. As the transition to electric vehicles and renewable energy sources continues to gain momentum, DIVVEE stands as a versatile solution that adapts to changing needs and technologies, ensuring that homeowners remain at the forefront of energy innovation.

Join the Energy Revolution with DIVVEE

The surge in demand for energy-efficient solutions has propelled DIVVEE to the forefront of home energy management systems. With its unrivaled cost-effectiveness, seamless integration, and future-proof design, DIVVEE is revolutionizing the way homeowners approach energy upgrades. Embrace the power of innovation and join the energy revolution with DIVVEE—your gateway to a smarter, more sustainable home.